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updated 20.09.11 01:12
20.09.11 01:11   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   Some company?
 Feeling lonely here :(


Mood: подавленное 
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updated 08.10.09 16:56
03.10.09 21:12   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   
 Saw Soul-Survivor [10] post on scroll and decided to make myself one too. ;-)

History of player:  Aurax [10]

11.05.2008 02:27:17 Character birthday
12.05.2008 23:15:04 Aurax [1] moved from level 0 to level 1.
14.05.2008 19:16:36 Aurax [2] moved from level 1 to level 2.
21.05.2008 13:00:05 Aurax [3] moved from level 2 to level 3.
26.05.2008 12:45:05 Aurax [4] moved from level 3 to level 4.
01.06.2008 23:45:04 Aurax [5] moved from level 4 to level 5.
09.06.2008 21:15:03 Aurax [6] moved from level 5 to level 6.
25.06.2008 16:15:16 Aurax [7] moved from level 6 to level 7.
15.07.2008 01:00:05 Aurax [7] joined TheOrderOfBalance. (Newswriter and Developer)
14.09.2008 00:45:04 Aurax [7] was sent to chaos.
16.09.2008 01:00:04 Aurax [7] came out from chaos.
22.09.2008 17:45:04 Aurax [7] joined Paladins' Guild. (Intern of Moderation Department / Стажер Отдела Модерации)
13.10.2008 22:00:04 Aurax [8] moved from level 7 to level 8.
29.10.2008 00:15:55 Aurax [8] was promoted to Paladin of Sunny Smile rank. (Intern of Mass-Media Department / Стажер Отдела Масс Медиа)
02.03.2009 23:00:05 Aurax [8] was promoted to Paladin of Fiery Dawn rabk. (Member of Mass-Media Department / Сотрудник Отдела Масс Медиа)
23.06.2009 00:09:23 Aurax [8] was promoted to Paladin of the Sky rank. (Head of Mass-Media Department / Начальник Отдела Масс Медиа)
22.09.2009 13:54:04 1 year in the Order of Light.

Nice and there will be more and more things to state here I hope!

Music: Melee - Stand Up
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15.08.09 17:51   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   I <3 U (I love you!)  en
 This is, how we say it:

English - I love you! Bulgarian - Obicham te! Czech - Miluji te! Danish - Jeg elsker dig! Dutch - Ik hou van jou! Estonian - Ma armastan sind!
Finnish - Mina rakastan sinua! French - Je t'aime! Gaelic - Tha gaol agam ort! German - Ich liebe dich! Greek - S'agapo! Hungarian - Szeretlek!
Irish - Taim i' ngra leat! Italian - Ti amo! Latvian - Es tevi miilu! Lithuanian - Ash tave myliu! Maltese - Jien Inhobbok! Polish - Kocham ciebie!
Portuguese - Eu te amo! Romanian - Te iubesc! Russian - Ya tebya liubliu! Slovak - Lu`bim ta! Slovene - Ljubim te! Spanish - Te quiero!
Swedish - Jag alskar dig! Turkish - Seni Seviyorum! Welsh - 'Rwy'n dy garu di!

Mood: романтичное 
Music: Love songs! :music1:
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15.08.09 01:07   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   Real friends...  en
 I have thought I know all of my friends very well. I know their characters, traits. We are the ones to chose our friends. Usually they are people we meet every day. We have the same interests, same hobbies. We use to spend our time together. It doesn't matter if we are working on serious projects or just having some fun.

Also, friends are people you trust and rely to. They are people, you can always ask for an advice, when you need a solution and you feel like in a "dead end". You are unsure about your choices or you don't know, what to do.

It takes much time to make really good friends, close friends. You have to know them very well. But sometimes it feels like they are real strangers. Their attitude and actions don't seem to be related with actions or attitude you expect from them. From times to times it can turn very strange.

I just remembered moments I had this year and this summer. Parties with friends, time together, all the money spent, all the projects done, all the fun we had. Seems like a good time. But there always was a feeling, like I cannot feel "free", like I can not tell everything, cannot tell the truth. They weren't bad people, they were friendly and responsive. But it reall was like feeling that pressure all the time. That was really depressing. So I decided to disassociate from my friends in the summer time and have more fun with people I had other interests with, but I haven't paid much attention to. Maybe I just wanted to change something? ...

You cannot imagine, how good it was. We had so much fun together. We had thousands of crazy ideas we realised. We weren't together, when we were in parties or weekdays. We just got together when we wanted. All of these "new friends" seemed to become closer to me in a short period of time. I'd even say closer than friend, I already had. No complexes, no preconceptions. Everything was just perfect.

But yeah, human is probably the wierdest creature of them all, so it is obviously I started to miss some of my friends. Luckily, I haven't lost any of them... During this summer I learnt, how to plan my time. I learnt, how to actually speak to and rely on my friends. I convinced them about the things, which are important for me, they changed and were ready to say "bye-bye" to some rubbish stereotypes. I really appreciate this.
it all was like walking through the hell, so I am happy it is over. I am happy everything is like it should be now.

Cheers! :

Mood: светлое 
Music: Prata Vetra - Lapsa
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16.07.09 23:52   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   :o  en

Сидят два наркомана обдолбанные в хлам, один другого спрашивает:
-Сколько время?
-Ооо, скоро лето...

В кабинет к врачу врывается больной:
-Доктор я через 59 секунд умру!!!

- Как добиться, чтобы у блондинки загоpелись глаза?
- Посветить фонаpиком в ухо.

Новый русский проверяет у сына тетрадь:
-Сынок, я что-то не въезжаю. Написано "классная работа", а стоит двойка?

Стоят две подруги.Одна другой говорит:
-Слушай,в этом году 8 марта на пятницу выпадает.
-Ой, хорошо что не на 13.
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28.05.09 14:14   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   Movies in minutes!!!  en
 Save your time! There's no need to watch all those hours long films, which will make you feel so damn bored! Some people will surely think it's stupid, lame, boring etc. but I definitely didn't make this post for them. Every time you laugh you make your life for some seconds longer!

Better watch short movies with the essence from the each film. These guys are really funny!!!

Harry Potter


The Grudge

Mood: Out of my head (going crazy)
Music: Yves LaRock - Rise Up!
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06.05.09 00:19   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   Comenius 2009     pinned  en
 Many of you don't know, but last week I was in Germany working on an international project. This project gave me a unique chance to work shoulder to shoulder with students from Latvia, Italy Turkey, Germany and UK. This year we were working on an internet book. You can call it e-book as well.

The project itself included creative writing, drama, games and art. The subject of our project is called "Moving Borders". It's like removing the existing barriers between people in different countries. About 40 people from the mentioned countries worked for one product and after successful work presented it to pupils in Pinnenberg/Germany. I want to say that it was much of fun we had there as well as work we did. This experience helped me to learn about different cultures, practice my English. It gave us chance to work individually and in groups. At the moment our product is not available for public view, but when it's available I will definitely show it to you all.

So, here are the videos our drama group made:

The first video is about an exchange student from Italy............................. The second shows us relationship between good teacher - good students, bad teacher- bad students.

Mood: рабочее 
Music: Kevin Rudolf ft. Lil Wayne - Let it Rock
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updated 04.02.09 18:04
04.02.09 18:02   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   Where the hell is Matt?
 Matthew Harding провел 14 месяцев, посещая 42 страны, чтобы произвести, "Where the Hell is Matt?", видео четырех с половиной минут, показывающее Harding (и кто - либо еще, он мог втянуть в это), выполнение невероятно глупого, высокоэнергетического танца в части самого захватывающего дух пейзажа во всем мире. Это может быть лучшими четырьмя минутами и двадцатью восьмью секундами Вашей недели.

Matthew Harding spent 14 months visiting 42 countries in order to produce "Where the Hell is Matt?", a four-and-a-half minute video featuring Harding (and anyone else he could rope into it) doing an incredibly silly, high-energy dance in some of the most breathtaking scenery around the world. This may be the best four minutes and twenty-eight seconds of your week.

Thanks to Soul-Survivor for translations!

Mood: замечательное 
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12.12.08 00:21   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   On the first day of Christmas my true love...  en
 Christmas time is quiet and religic time. For some people it's religious holiday, for some people it's a family holiday, some people celebrate it together with friends, but how is it with you?

For me it's a family holiday. I'm not religious and I don't go to church, but it's a great chance to spend more time with the closet people and relatives. We usually have a great dinner, watch some Christmas movies and of course the presents. Also the mulled wine, it's nice. New Year is for friends, so that's when I usually get drunk.

How do you celebrate Christmas and what does Christmas mean to you? :o

Mood: счастливое 
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updated 22.08.08 02:40
22.08.08 02:35   |  Aurax Open user info Open user photogallery |   Watchtower's impasse
 And again I’m making a footstep by a footstep up to the stairs. Ghostly cobblestone walls, covered with cobwebs, dusty and with and antique smell accompany me on my gateway. I keep going, till I notice an old quaint, ancient bow and there I’m standing in the front of an ancient door, which leads to a confined passageway.

It’s impossible not to notice, that the air had become cooler. My heavy boots made a tin-pan sound on the dirty, white marble floor, making me feel a bit strange.

Although I wasn’t scared of anything that could ever happen there, suddenly I felt spectral. A dark grey shade ran along my way, it glanced again and I felt sudden cold breath on my neck. For a short moment I became numb. I looked back, but there was nothing, that my eyes could ever perceive.

Feeling peculiarly, I abruptly noticed an opened alcove in the old wall. My curiosity led me in the narrow alcove uncovering a large dark room.

My footsteps were reechoing in the room, but it was too dark to see anything. I felt blind, so I tried to find a safe road through the room, hoping to find something extraordinary.

While taking my steps I bumped against a wooden bureau. Plate glass smashed in the front of my sight, breaking it in small pieces and uncovering a face contour of a very beautiful girl, an old and very beautiful comb fell on the floor near the chippings.

The comb started to burn, it turned flame-color, started to smoke and turned into ash, but I noticed a very beautiful stone, which had left in the place of the comb. It was the igneous obsidian stone, I thought that it might be very precious and I took it.

Unexpectedly the chippings turned bloody and I heard penetrating, loud, malicious and captivating laugh, which took over room very swiftly.

One of the cullets became bright and levitated in the front of me, leading me to a very small trapdoor on the floor.

Under the trapdoor I found an entrance to a staircase, which led me up and I knew, that I’m somewhere in the walls of this citadel.

The winding stairs took me to small hidden tower… the door to the only room, which had an ancient hieroglyphics and runes on it. With a disquiet feeling I grabbed the door-handle and prepared for my destiny.

The door was locked…

To be continued...
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